The Kuna Pathfinder Club
Adventurers and Pathfinders are a youth group that focuses on creating a closer relationship with God, peers, and mentors. This is achieved through spending time in the Bible, learning outdoor skills, and working through crafts, hobbies, and skills.
Adventurers is for kids grades PK-4 and Pathfinders is for 5th grade and up. Each group grows through activities designed for their different levels.

By the grace of God
I will be pure and kind and true
I will keep the Pathfinder Law
I will be a servant of God and a friend to man
The Pathfinder Law is for me to:
Keep the morning watch.
Do my honest part.
Care for my body.
Keep a level eye.
Be courteous and obedient.
Walk softly in the sanctuary.
Keep a song in my heart.
Go on God's errands.
Registration Information
When: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 7:00-8:30pm
Where: Kuna Seventh Day Adventist Church - Upstairs in the Pathfinder Room
Fee: $30
Meetings will be held Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30pm
Contact Rochelle Christensen if you have any questions:

My name is Rochelle Christensen, I have been involved in Pathfinders, on and off, since I was a 5th grader. I have been a Pathfinder and a staff member. Most recently, I spent 3 years at the Conference level working with the Pathfinder Teens. I look forward to working with the Kuna Pathfinder Club, and getting to know you all better!
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is committed to understanding young people and training its youth for leadership and service to humanity.
The Pathfinder Club is a church-centered spiritual-recreational-activity program designed for young people 10 to 15 years of age. Pathfindering appeals to this age group because its program features activities that meet their needs and interests. Much of the Pathfinder Club program is built around physical action. This is because youth from 10 to 15 years of age are in a fast-growing physical stage of development. It is filled with action, adventure, challenge, group activities, and provides opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team or community spirit and a sense of loyalty and respect for God, His Creation, and His church.
While the Pathfinder Club exists primarily for youth, one of its basic purposes is to also bring together parents and church members through active involvement with the club and its members. Here the so-called generation gap disappears as young and old worship, work, and play together in a bond of common experience. Meaningful relationships are forged as leaders and counselors join with Pathfinders in sharing, building confidence, and working together.
The whole philosophy of Pathfindering is built on the premise that "children learn best by example, rather than precept." As they see leaders and parents model spiritual and social values, they too will aspire to develop high moral principles, loving and caring attitudes, and determination to excel in all their various pursuits.
Young people learn most effectively in a positive, happy, and secure atmosphere. The attitude of the club leaders is therefore a vital ingredient in guaranteeing the success and effectiveness of this ministry to youth. A failure to listen to and understand the needs of the young people will only erect barriers to real spiritual growth and development and may prove to be a contributing factor in making the church and its mission unattractive to the youth.