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Ignite Childrens Ministires




Meets on Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Each age group meets in it’s own room:

Beginners—Birth through age 4

Kindergarten—Ages 4-6

Primary—Grades 1-3

Juniors—Grades 4-6

Earliteens—Grades 7-8

Each of our Sabbath School classes uses an age-appropriate, Bible-based curriculum designed to lead our children to Jesus.


A typical lesson will incorporate a variety of activities to appeal to all types of learners and focus on four key aspects of Christian living:

Grace is the demonstration of God’s love for us. He sent His Son to die in our place, to redeem us, and to accept us unto Himself that we might live with Him forevermore.


Worship is our response to God’s love. Because He first loved us, we love Him. Because He gave His Son to die in our place, we worship Him. We worship Him through praise, through our lifestyle, and through our stewardship of all that He has provided for us.

Community involves our relationship with those around us, with our immediate family, our church family, our friends, and with other Christians who know God’s love.


Service is our outreach to others, to those who may not know and love the Jesus we serve. It is to them that we give the invitation to become a part of the family of God. It is to them that we take a message of hope for the future. 


Ignite Summer Program

Our Sabbath School program looks a little different during the summer months. We combine our classes and do a Vacation Bible School/Children’s Church style approach. This gives our kids a chance to interact with each other in a different way, and it also gives our teachers a break (they each teach 1-2 times, but then have 10 weeks to recuperate and be ready for fall). These weeks have lots of music, some plays, a Bible lesson, and more.  And, of course, it’s all about leading our younger members to a deeper relationship with Jesus.


Vacation Bible School

For a week each summer, we “travel” to a different part of the Holy Lands and learn about how God helps and loves us in all kinds of situations. 


Kuna Church strives to make this one of our premiere events of the year, and many, many hours go into preparations. Most of our church members are involved as tribe leaders, shopkeepers, story tellers, and many other roles to make the experience as authentic as possible for the kids.


Everyone is welcome. On-line registration is usually available in May.


Adventure Club

This group for ages 4-10 meets once a month through the school year to learn about different things. Topics include insects, animals, nature, safety and first aid. As children grow out of this club, they will join the Pathfinder club.


Pathfinder Club

Similar to scouting groups, this co-ed group is for kids in grades 5 through 8. Kuna church is just forming their Pathfinder Club.  Watch for more details soon. 

kuna seventh-day
      adventist Church



Physical Address:

820 Linder Rd
Kuna, ID 83634


Mailing Address:

PO Box 355

Kuna, ID 83634


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